Is Astrology Belongs to any Specific Religion?
Astrology is based on the influence that stars and planets have on human lives. The position of sun, stars, planets, and moon build up the personality and relationship. All the events in the cosmos and on earth are linked together by an invisible magic bond. There has been a lot of controversy regarding astrology’s role in the Bible. Christians are illuminated in Church that astrology is prohibited and wrong to use on the basis of select scriptures. Vedic astrology came to India since Christian era. It assumes the law of karma and predicts the lives, works of a person with some actions performed. It is also known as “Jyotish” or “the study of light”. Not only spiritual but medical, technical and astrological areas were found to be in Vedic writings. People face many problems in life-related to money, marriage, personality, business and need a solution to their problems this could be done with the help of Vedic astrology in Brooklyn, New York. H...